Workshop - Speed Management
ورشة عمل – إدارة السرعات

Identify speed-related safety problems (car deviations - intersections - pedestrians and cyclists), the objective of the workshop is to make stakeholders aware of the importance of speed in road safety, speed problems and their impact on accident outcomes and the most prominent global practices to take precautionary measures to mitigate results such as reducing the speed limit The use of physical techniques to control speed, the development of appropriate designs, the application of the automatic speed monitoring camera system through security patrols, and the training of the implementation of traffic laws.
تحديد مشاكل السلامة المتعلقة بالسرعة (انحراف السيارات-التقاطعات-المشاة ومستخدمي الدراجات)، الهدف من الورشة هو جعل أصحاب المصلحة يطلعون على أهمية السرعة في السلامة على الطريق، ومشاكل السرعة وتأثيرها على نتائج الحوادث وأبرز الممارسات العالمية للقيام بإجراءات احترازية لتخفيف النتائج مثل تخفيض حد السرعة واستخدام الفنيات المادية للتحكم في السرعة ووضع التصاميم المناسبة، وتطبيق نظام كاميرات الرصد الآلي للسرعة عن طريق الدوريات الأمنية وتدريب تنفيذ قوانين الحركة المرورية.

WS- Speed Management- Day 1

Starts 29/Sep/2021

Identify speed-related safety problems (car deviations - intersections - pedestrians and cyclists), the objective of the workshop is to make stakeholders aware of the importance of speed in road safety, speed problems and their impact on accident outcomes and the most prominent global practices to take precautionary measures to mitigate results such as reducing the speed limit The use of physical techniques to control speed, the development of appropriate designs, the application of the automatic speed monitoring camera system through security patrols, and the training of the implementation of traffic laws.

WS- Speed Management- Day 2

Starts 30/Sep/2021

Identify speed-related safety problems (car deviations - intersections - pedestrians and cyclists), the objective of the workshop is to make stakeholders aware of the importance of speed in road safety, speed problems and their impact on accident outcomes and the most prominent global practices to take precautionary measures to mitigate results such as reducing the speed limit The use of physical techniques to control speed, the development of appropriate designs, the application of the automatic speed monitoring camera system through security patrols, and the training of the implementation of traffic laws.


Rick is transportation planning and road safety engineer with nearly four decades of USA and international experience, including roadway safety programs and audits. He has led major transportation and infrastructure investment programs and projects. He served as on-call Statewide Planning Consultant (Lead Consultant and Project Manager) to Ohio Department of Transportation (DOT) for a three-year term, 2010-2013, including system level roadway safety audits and improvement plans. He was a contributor to the development of the ASCE’s Envision sustainability rating system for transportation and infrastructure. Rick is a creative leader in multi-modal transportation planning, and his work in the US has won national recognition from AARTBA, AASHTO, ACEC, and the AIA. In Saudi Arabia, Rick has served as Special Consultant on TEC’s larger projects, including the Riyadh Speed Management Study, Jeddah Traffic Impact Policy Guidelines, Study and Design of Service Roads on Dirab Road, and Jeddah Waterfront Development Project.

Enrollment Closes 30/Sep/2021
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